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The aim of every pig farmer is to achieve larger growth within a short period of time. This can be aided by following the under listed  growth promoting strategies.

Special note for poultry farmers:
... with the right breed (s)  and your birds are not doing well, it's because you've not applied sharigrow 

Stop the struggle!
The solution is here 👇
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Best egg booster every poultry farmer needs

Weaned piglets

1.The farrowing pen must be designed so that the sow can’t lie on top of the piglets.
Newborn piglets are very sensitive to cold, draughts, wet bedding and floors, and sudden temperature changes. All precautions must be taken to make sure the environment is regulated.

2. Make sure that piglets suckle a teat as soon after birth as possible to take in colostrum. This is the first milk produced by the sow which protects piglets against disease.
Suckling piglets supplemented with enhancer

3. Start your piglets with piglets enhancer;
• Supporting Piglet Immunity and Gut Health
• To supplement vitamins and other essential nutrients for immunity and healthy gut.
Piglets enhancer

(Call supplier +2348094503557 or +2348021165624

Formulated for piglets to support:
Faster Growth rates
Natural management of immunity
Natural management of gut health

When to supply:
•At birth
• When fostering
• For weaker and smaller pigs
• At weaning

4. Provide enough feeding space for the piglets to avoid fighting while feeding as well as enable weaker piglets have access to sufficient feed. If commercial pig feed is not readily available in your locality, use broiler starter feeds for two weeks.

Checking the balls of our next generation sire
5. There should be clean drinking water readily available for water aids digestion.

NB:You most have a good breed selected from the recommended pig breeds 

Meet Emmanuel O. Ugwu,
Our Animal Health and Production Consultant
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Get all your needs with just a click on Konga. Fast and reliable Piglets Enhancer PIGLETS ENHANCER is a piglet growth booster that also prevents diarrhea/watery droppings due to clostridium bacteria and E.coli Benefits o f using piglets enhancer: Supports Piglet Immunity and Gut Health Prevents Diarrhoea Supports faster growth rates Improves feed digestion while suckling and after weaning. Increases utilisation of protein in feed. Increases weaning weight. Provides Vitamins A, D, E,  Lysine, Methionine, Probiotics Watch: 22 piglets farrowed at once by our Camborough pig breed When to feed: •At birth •When fostering •For weaker & smaller pigs •At weaning • Repeat after 5 days where necessary Feeding Rate : (100 pigs per bottle) 250ml. 2.5ml per pig. For purchase, Call: Central: 08094503557 Southeast: 08021165624 West: 08033959201 Poultry corner 👇 The best and recommended poultry multivitamins (SHARIGROW)