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Camborough pigs are a product of a cross-breeding system known as criss-crossing- an alternated use of boars of two or more breeds on the female stock produced in a herd. This distributes good characteristics from many different breed lines involved and these are related to meat fat distribution (carcass quality), disease resistance, larger litter size and others. The animal is usually white in colour but, in rare cases, may show characteristics of particular breeds involved in the criss-crossing.
(Mating going on in our farm:

The Camborough is bred to maximize the kilograms of weaned pigs per year with excellent feed efficiency. In addition, the Camborough can be bred typically three weeks earlier than other genetics, resulting in a higher total number of piglets per sow per lifetime and lower production costs.
Every pig farmer want pigs that have rapid growth, lean carcass quality and good feed conversion ratio. Return on Investment (ROI) in pig farming is usually influenced by breed or genetics.
( watch:22piglets farrowed at once by our camborough pig )
Productive ability of a gilt or sow is an important factor in its selection. Sows with higher litter number and weight should be selected for good and excellent level of performance.
Camborough pig is known for High emphasis on lean meat percentage and conformation, Very robust hybrid boar, Good libido, Exceptional carcass musling, Superb feed conversion ratios

• The breed grows fast, gives large litter and is big in size. The highest litter  per sow per parturition ranges between 15 sand 20piglets while average ranges between 10 and 15piglets
• Have faster growth rate. At four months, the boars have attained a weight of 120kgs
• They have considerably less fat, and the sows are great mothers. They don’t lose their babies, they feed the babies well and they have enough milk.
• They give birth to an average of 14 piglets and that’s 5 times in 2 years.
• They are also resistant to diseases under good management.

Take home from our Consultant:
While choosing for commercial purpose, go for Camborough. Alternate crossing with Landrace breed

For purchase/enquiries:

Special note for poultry farmers:
... with the right breed (s)  and your birds are not doing well, it's because you've not applied sharigrow 

Stop the struggle!
The solution is here 👇

              Meet Emmanuel O. Ugwu
Our Animal Health and Production Consultant


  1. This is very helpful and educating thanks you

  2. Please I need some Camborough Sows and Inpigs. Kindly reach me on 08035332716

  3. I need some few females and one male

  4. I'm situated in Kenya how can I get that breed.

    1. Kindly look for farmers groups in Kenya. They recently imported some from wangwa farms in Zambia. Am a Ugandan farmer who recently imported some f1 camborough gilts

  5. I have camborough breed for sale
    Contact me: 07058139841

  6. Am I permitted to advertise that I have camborough pigs????

  7. Thanks for sharing, when you share we find what to do!

  8. Hello , can I use a camborough boer to mate with a large white sow ? Or i should maintain and stick to the same breed ?

  9. Thanks for all your comments & sorry for not always attending to them. We're really busy with field works. Kindly make use of the phone numbers we share on our articles.


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