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Grayish film on the skin
Cotton wool disease (Columnaris): 
Grayish-white film on skin, damaged fins, ulcers, yellow to gray patches on gills, tissues on head may be eaten away. Must be treated immediately with Over-the-counter antibiotic medications. It is a very contagious disease. Disinfect tank, rocks, net, etc.

Anaemia disease
Affected fishes has Swelling of head with  small bodies, bulging eyes, black in colour. This is attributable to overcrowding.
Treat with OTC antibiotics such as penicillin and tetracycline,avoid over-crowding, feed adequately.

Over crowded fish in the pond

Cracked head diseasae

This is the most common catfish disease in ponds. The cause of this disease is not yet understood, although it is believed that adverse water quality resulting from over feeding may be the main factor as well as unbalanced nutrients in the diet. 
This disease can detected at early stages, affected fish show reddish lateral line on the skull between the two air chambers, as soon as this symptoms is observed in some fish during sampling, feeding should be substantially reduced and pond water should be replaced.
Generally, the fish recovers after few weeks after which feeding can be increased little by little.
Note:At the final stage of the disease the skull will break laterally followed by death.

Cracked skull

Dropsy (Malawi Bloat) may be caused by internal bacterial infection (if swelling is sudden), parasites, or cancer (if swelling is gradual). Add 1/8 teaspoon of Epsom salt for every 5 gallons of water and monitor for two weeks. Check for signs of bacterial infection or parasites for further treatment.
Bloated fish

Running horse disease: This is another disease common in catfish farm, here affected fish usually swim violently in groups around the side of the pond.
Prevention and treatment
The stocking density of fry must be control by draining part of the fish tank water every other day.

Difficulty swimming
swimming upside-down, floating, unable to surface. Do not confuse with swim bladder disease. Flipover Air can be removed from swim bladder by a veterinarian. Surgery is also a possibility in larger fish. Check for signs of internal infection or parasites and treat as necessary.

Gill rot: This is caused by bacteria called flexibacter columnaries. It affects different sizes of catfish like fingerlings, juvenile, and the symptoms are as follows;
Black gill filament covered with mucus, Gill ulcerates drip off, inflammation.
Table salt (Nacl) at a concentration of 2-2.5% for 10-15 in 20litres of water.
furazolidone 0.2g mixed will feed or oral administration 0.5kg/100kg for grow out fish or 1kg/1-100kg fingerlings.

NB: this medication should be applied for 4-5days 

Cracked head and bulged eye

Fish Pox:
for now,no treatment. Keep up on water maintenance and symptoms should cease after about 10-12 weeks.

For all stages of production

Never stock your pond without adequate pond preparation. If your pond is not properly prepared, cycles of pathogens causing disease will not be broken. Use fish booster to start your fingerlings/broodstock. It will be a wise decision on your part as a catfish farmer to do the necessary as regards pond preparation. For lime treatment of your ponds, 250kg of lime is recommended per acre of pond surface. Also under pond preparation, ensure all macro-organisms (tilapia, frog, etc.) are eradicated from your pond before introducing new set of fishes. Do not allow residual infection to spread to your new stock through poor pond preparation.
Ensure that water quality entering into your ponds is not compromised.

Read also;
Methods of feeding Catfish
Know when to stop feeding your Catfish
Use of tetracycline in poultry
Marek's disease of poultry
How to manage poultry in hot season
Use of Choline chloride in poultry production
Reduce production cost in poultry
How to control flies in poultry farms

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