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Splay leg  in rabbit is a developmental musculoskeletal condition in which a rabbit lacks the ability to adduct one or more of their limbs. That is to say, a limb sticks out to the side and the rabbit cannot retract it or extend it away from their body.
Splay leg in rabbit
All four limbs splay
Causes of Splay Leg in Rabbit
Splay leg is most commonly thought to be a congenital condition, meaning it is inherited from the parents, and is believed to be the result of poor genetics that result in weak connective tissue. Many splay leg rabbits are born with a splayed leg/s or develop the condition within the first few weeks to months after birth.
However, it can also be caused by certain environmental factors such as Slippery flooring can wear down on the joints and cause already weak joints and tissues to further break down, causing the leg to splay and Calcium deficiency. In some rarer cases, splay leg results from trauma or injury.

Symptoms of Splay Leg
Splay leg is characterized by a limb (or limbs) that extends from the body. The severity of the splay can vary from rabbit to rabbit. In most cases, a leg sticks out from a 45 to 90 degree angle away from the body. In severe cases, a leg can even fold backwards. Splay leg can affect one limb or it can affect all four. It can affect the front limbs or hind. Most commonly, it affects either both front or both back limbs. In addition to limb placement, a rabbit may have trouble standing and/or moving around. They generally use a flopping or wiggling motion to propel themselves forward.

Read also;
Prevent Cannibalism in Poultry
Caecotrophy in Rabbit
Rabbit Diseases and Control

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