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Catfish affairs

 Lately, there's so much desperation in the Aquaculture industry especially in Fish Farming as many farmers desires immediate maturity without following the due processes of quality breed, feeding,etc. and this has led to the use of some materials with residual effects on humans in the name of using boosters.

A booster is any substance that help to achieve your target result within the shortest period of time than normal.

For fish, a farmer, with higher demands from fish buyers would want to achieve result faster while spending less on feed and other fish production expenses.

Research has shown that the actual and original fish booster DO NOT DIRECTLY PROMOTE GROWTH . What SHARIVIT Fishbooster does is;

• Enable the fish to create appetite to eat.

• Take care and maintain good health condition of the fish

• Maintains the pond health

• Prevents sorting and transportation stress as well as bad weather stress

And if you feed your fish quality feed mixed with SHARIVIT FISHBOOSTER in the right quantity, then the growth will hit the target.

Again, do not forget the place of  quality fish breed and clean water. Good breed and Clean water promote healthy and faster growth as well.

It is recommended that farmers that desire faster, bigger and healthy Fish harvest need to use SHARIVIT FISHBOOSTER.


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