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Diarrhoea infected piglets
Feeding in a damp environment
Poor piglets management
Among all the diseases in the suckling piglet, diarrhoea is the most common and probably the most important.
Piglet diarrhea is a threat in most herds and a range of different infections can be expected to exist in the environment, regardless of control measures.
 It is a common cause of mortality and  often closely associated with poor hygiene, inappropriate husbandry (e.g., early weaning), stressful environment and inappropriate feeding regiments.
Piglet diarrhea or “scour” can be common at both the neonatal and the post-weaning stages.

1. Escherichia coli (E. coli) strains are common within the first week of life, and again in the first week after weaning.
2. Clostridial enteritis causes acute enteritis and scouring within the first week of life
3. Coccidia causes scouring commonly between 9 days of age and at weaning
4. Transmissible gastroenteritis (TGE and Porcine Epidemic Diarrhea) causes sudden and severe diarrhea in piglets under 3 weeks of age
5. Salmonellosis causes diarrhea in weaned pigs. It is often associated with other diseases.

Pre-Weaning  Diarrheoa in Piglets
Diarrhea in pre-weaned piglets can be fatal, but the causes are varied. The onset of diarrhea may occur within a matter of hours, and it is likely to spread rapidly to all piglets in a litter. Piglets can become quickly dehydrated and mortality rates can be high.

Post-Weaning Diarrhea in Piglets
The weaning process increases the stress on piglets, and thus their susceptibility to viral and bacterial infections. Diarrhea in these older piglets tends to be less severe, and mortality rates lower.
• E. coli,
• Rotavirus,
• TGE,
 • Salmonellosis,
 • Campylobacter and
• Brachyspira hyodysenteriae

Control and Prevention of Piglet Diarrhea
Regardless of the control measures, the incidence and severity of diarrhea outbreaks are often closely associated with herd management within the control of the stock person.
Almost all diarrhea will result in dehydration, and control of increasing morbidity and mortality may be prevented by timely introduction of rehydration with glucose-based fluids.

Treatment of Piglet Diarrhea
In a case of diarrhea outbreak in a herd, it is important to diagnose the infective cause of the disease promptly and accurately in order to target further control measures appropriately. Antimicrobial sensitivity testing should be used to ensure the correct products are used and the issues with antimicrobial resistance are not amplified. Isolation and provision of rehydrating, glucose-based fluids can be helpful in weaned piglets. Also combined antimicrobials may be effective in addressing a number of potential infections, but their efficacy cannot be guaranteed

My unbiased advice
 • Start your piglets with piglet enhancer
• Don't feed nursing dams and piglets fresh leaves
• Add salt to taste in the feeds
• Your pen should be clean,dried and warm
• Always provide clean drinking water.

Meet Emmanuel O. Ugwu,
Our Animal Health and Production Consultant

Read also:
Piglets enhancer for faster growth in pigs
Best 5 pig breeds for commercial purpose
Camborough pig breed
Use of Choline chloride in poultry production
Cut cost in poultry production

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